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The sound effects are good! The only major thing I miss is for the worm to be affected by gravity when not in a wall. Otherwise, the game is pretty solid, the worm movement is smooth, and didn't found any bugs so far. Good one!


I really liked the ambient sounds.  It's so cool that you created them by slowing down sound effects.  I'll have to give that a go myself.  I thought the animation was great, the snake moves really well.  This is an interesting concept and there's a lot that can be done with it.  Nice to see a game where you play as the monster as opposed to the usual trope characters in horror games.

Nothing seemed to happen when the countdown hit 0.  I was expecting a game over screen.  Maybe I misunderstood the description.


Thanks for the feedback! 

So the thing with the countdown.. In the original idea, when you reach the countdown you are unable to become bigger, but when you get cut in half,  the other half becomes an ai which roams the map. 

That didnt happen because there wasn't enough time left. Now you only stop getting bigger.